April 24, 2024
  • 4:27 am Eighty and cranky
  • 2:11 am When do you get old
  • 1:43 am Whats it like getting old

My Body is 80-years-old, but my Brain keeps telling me I’m still 45.  One of ’em is lying, but I can’t tell which.  I still drive a truck, a tractor and anything with wheels on it.  I’ve never had a blameworthy accident so I reckon you’d be safe in the passenger seat — sorry, there’s […]


The question should be asked is when is it that you get old. Of course this is based on how old the person asking the question is. If you ask a 3 year old then they think anyone over 20 is ANCIENT, but as you get older the number seems to move out. How often […]


Getting old has many challenges, from the loss of friends and family to isolation and trouble with getting around. These can all be managed in a number of ways depending on primarily our own mental thoughts